Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pope Science

Let’s face it, nobody in their right mind believes the Pope is totally infallible in all things.  I’m pretty sure if we put him on Jeopardy, he’s not going to be the grand prize winner! Although, I’m sad to say, there are many out there that would strongly disagree! To be fair, the fact is, the Catholic Church doesn't claim that the Pope is infallible in all things, only when speaking ex cathedra. He can't make a mistake when it comes to doctrine and matters of faith and morals. It is said and truly believed by millions this is because he is clarifying God's teachings. To me, this is incredibly arrogant and offensive! Let’s say for a moment, the God of the bible really does exist! The Pope doesn't know what God wants any more than you and I do! It’s impossible to know what ultimately is unknowable! The sad fact is, if one is faith based and a weak minded follower of Catholic School of Dogma, then one is forced to believe in the total infallibility of The Holy Father! 

The latest statements coming out of The Vatican in last few months are indeed frightening! I refer to ‘POPE SCIENCE’, a consolidation of disturbing statements recently made by The Vatican. The danger is that the weak minded & delusional do in fact interpret these statements to be true! The Pope makes statements twisting personal ethics, subjective morals and a total ignorance of science into something that resembles a new set of Commandments For The 21st Century! Could it just be, that the Pope in all his ignorant glory is confusing the arguments of Ethics vs Morals and Science Facts vs Moral Judgments?

You can make a distinction between ‘Ethics’ which is a system of behavior. It’s deciding what’s right and wrong based upon reason, knowledge and facts. An internally consistent logical system that can be applied broadly and universally. We can make an argument for why people should not kill other people. One does not have to have faith or a belief system to illustrate this argument. Based upon first principles, we can arrive upon ethics that we can all agree upon that are reasonable and base our laws in our society on that!

On the other hand, ‘Morals’ are things that people choose for themselves and they sometimes involve, ‘Naked Value Judgments’. Value judgments are just that! They might be informed by facts, logic or reason. However, they don’t have to be because they are in fact, personal choices!

Human dignity demands that people have the right to their own sexual preference and to not be interfered with! The facts don’t have to support ethical decisions that we think are correct, the facts are what they are! We shouldn’t mix the two or demand that the facts support our ethics or say that they derive entirely from scientific facts free of value judgments, because they don’t!

We still have to be allowed to make those value judgments and I think that’s a very critical distinction to make!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

200 Year Old Insult!

What are insults anyway? In this day and age, we are insulted or we choose to insult, practically every moment of a normal day. In this modern age can we can easily insult somebody by saying "You're an asshole!" or, by screaming out at the top of ones voice, the ever popular "Go fuck yourself!" Who can ever forget the expression, which is a combination of the two, "Fuck you Asshole!" These colorful sayings, used creatively by so many with unmeasurable variation, have become the trademark of our society!

However, 200 years ago, the greatest insult you could hurl at somebody was by saying
"I SAID, GOOD DAY!!!" You would actually wish the person well, except you said it one more time! Think about that... The greatest slap in the face was saying, `Have a Good Day`, one more time a little bit louder!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Irony of Hypervigilance

The older I get, the more my hypervigilance kicks in! Hypervigilance is an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors whose purpose is to detect threats. Hypervigilance is also accompanied by a state of increased anxiety which can cause exhaustion. Other symptoms include: abnormally increased arousal, a high responsiveness to stimuli and a constant scanning of the environment for threats. 

I get to feeling everyone around me is going nuts and I feel like the David Bowie character from 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'. I seem to be just standing around observing everyone going nuts... in slow motion! Don't get me wrong, I'm active and very much involved but it's strangely relative. 

The first thing that comes to mind is that I'm going to be dead in 15 years! That thought constantly goes through my head daily! I'm obsesed with my own mortality and I'm thrilled hear that most people are too... even though many people here on planet Earth refuse to admit it! For example... someone might say to me, "They have decided to use your music behind (famous product line) and will pay you a generous amount of money!" My first response is "I'm going to be dead in 15 years!" I then think to myself "Wait a moment, that's an inappropriate response... paint a stupid smile on your face and tell them how exciting it is!" ... Then a person says "Frank, isn't that fantastic?" I think to myself "I'm going to be dead in 15 years!"... Then I'll smile and say "Yes! That's fantastic!" . . . Oh, The Irony of Hypervigilance!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

That Person Hates You!

If you think about it, you do know the people in your life who really like you. People who hate you will actually be nicer to you! For example, if you work with someone who really doesn't like you, and they don't want you to know it, they'll pour the bullshit on a little more. It's like "Hey! Did you get a hair cut? ... You look good! ... You look sharp!". They will always over compensate!

If you think about the people you secretly hate, but they don't know you hate them, you work a little harder. If someone you didn't like that much gave you a call and said "Hey, you want to grab some lunch Wednesday?" You wouldn't be short with them and say "Nah! I don't think so, I'm pretty busy, we'll do it some other time!" and hang up! On the contrary, you would say "Do you know what?... Normally, I would love too!... I would absolutely love too!!... I mean it would be awesome!!!... but this Wednesday I can't, I'm so sorry!" Compare that with someone you just know, are just friendly with or just like. If they called and said "How about Wednesday?" You would just say "Wednesday's not good for me, I'll give ya' a buzz." You automatically over compensate when you don't like people because you don't want them to find out about it.

So next time when someone is too nice to you, know that person hates your fucking guts!

Monday, April 06, 2009

What Every Guy Needs To Know!

DISCLAIMER: The following words and/or phrases are interchangeable and may be replaced within the context of this post: (a) woman may be replaced by man; (b) girl(s) may be replaced by boy(s)/guy(s); (c) she may be replaced by he; (d) her may be replaced by his; (e) women may be replaced by men; (f) the term "deadbeat' is NOT interchangeable and remains the same for both genders.

There are many ways people manipulate each other in this society. You got the sex thing going on... you got the power thing happening... and you got the money thing leading it all. If you happened to be engaged to a woman, live with her or are even dating her, listen up! If your big plans are to live out the rest of your life here on this planet in total bliss, take a big step back for a moment and sober up! The very last thing you want to do is get involved with a "deadbeat" because in doing that, you will by default become one too. You need positive and unconditional assurance that you’re not going to get stuck with someone who doesn’t care about responsibility.

I will tell you from my own life experience, most women who don’t pay their bills also don’t take care of their own responsibilities. Their credit report will give you complete information about how that individual pays her credit obligations. But there’s a great deal of inferential information in that report regarding the lifestyle of that individual. The credit report can and will in most instances reveal character flaws!

I can just see it now! Emails flooding my In-Box! Women screaming “Men are guilty of the exact same thing! Why are you singling out women?” I say “Yes indeed! That’s very true! Men are guilty of the very same thing!” So what! It doesn’t make what I’m saying any less valid! There are of course, as I’ve said a million times and will continue to say, “... exceptions to every rule!” In this case, it doesn't make the rule any less valid! Look at it this way, even a broken clock is right twice a day! Also, you can jump off a seven story building and you might survive, but who would want to try? Get the point?

Women who don’t pay their bills are obviously an extremely poor credit risk but moreover, a poor risk in a relationship! When you think about it, what else does this tell you about them? Many things, and in time they become more and more transparent! For instance, when women are careless about paying their credit obligations, they are usually careless about their consideration for other people. If they were considerate, they'd pay their obligations for the services received. Most women who don’t pay their bills are also careless with other people’s property.

They’re constantly late with their mortgage or rent payments, their electric bill, even their internet service provider. They become neglectful, sloppy, careless, and passive about taking care of other peoples property much less their own! From my experience, they let things go and very seldom clean up or attempt to get things fixed when they're broken. They end up living in a world of filth, all the time using the people around them. Women with bad credit are locked in a constant battle with the banks, utility companies and car dealers with the companies trying to get them to make their payments on time. Sometimes, if a guy is involved with a woman like this, the real battle begins just trying to get rid of them! Women like this are quick learners, very shrewd operators, and they sometimes know how to beat the system. Most of them have a way of hustling guys. I can assure you, again, from my own experience that if you’re involved with a woman who doesn’t pay her bills it’s just a matter of time before they’ll begin the slippery slope of neglecting you!

Once they fall behind on the rent or mortgage, they find all sorts of excuses. The major justification for their credit and finical problems is that those concerns and faults are caused by someone else other than themselves. They weep/complain and cry/rant or insist that “It’s someone elses fault", not theirs, or “The bank made a mistake!” Women who don’t pay and don’t intend to pay their obligations have a list for not paying their bills that could fill a book. Here is where every man should be careful because eventually they might somehow get your sympathy. If you let it get to the point where you start feeling sorry for them, then they’ve gotcha!... you're screwed! 

Another big problem in dealing with a woman like this is you might end up having her move into your place. Believe me, if you want to maintain any degree of sanity in your life, do not do it! It’s amazing to me how many guys get caught up in this bullshit. They’re absolutely convinced that it’s a temporary thing and everything will resolve itself or that they’re going to get paid back. Paid back by a complete deadbeat? For the life of me, I don’t know how in the world they would ever come up with this idea, and I certainly don’t understand it.

As time passes, a guy might suddenly wake up one day and discover he's involved with a deadbeat. It’s like the old saying, once the horse is out of the barn how do you get it back in. He’ll find out that there’s much more damage done then he realized and he's right smack in the middle of it! The thing to think about here is, what in the world would make you think she would pay you back when she doesn’t pay anyone else? If you ever get to this point, you’ve been had! ... Get the fuck out! ... Now!

Lack of respect for others is a deal breaker. This character flaw will eventually ruin a relationship. If they don’t respect others they won’t respect you!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

"You're Killing Me Larry!"

Instead of pouring tons and tons of money into pushing ‘Transcendental Meditation’ into schools... Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and David Lynch should donate it to AARP! Or at least pour the millions of dollars into something worthwhile!! How about something real!!! Hey, how about those poor children in Africa? Please!!! ... You have got to be kidding me!!!

Transcendental Meditation? Please!!! ... Stop, just stop!!! ... Kids math scores are down! The average reading ability of many high school seniors is at a 4th grade level. Just try convincing a kid to get to school in the morning! I've seen this crap first hand!!! Transcendental Meditation? How many in secondary or high school can spell Transcendental Meditation??? Most kids have never seen the inside of a library much less know what one is! I'd really like to see a teacher get the kids to sit still even for a moment... and to to accomplish exactly what? Meditate on that you batshit crazy senior citizens!! To be fair, I use the term senior citizens with a great deal of understanding and respect because I'm one too. However I don't consider myself delusional nor would I waste so much money in such a fashion if I was lucky enough to have any bit of control over it!

At one time, I used to admire these artists. I admired them for their contributions to our art and culture. However, after hearing this bit of news, I must say, not only does it piss me off, it saddens me to the bone! In my opinion I think it’s time for all three to retire! I don’t know how George Harrison would feel about it, but somehow I don't think John Lennon would agree.

Lastly, the Beatles back in the time, denounced the Maharshi, Transcendental Meditation and his line of bullshit! They even wrote songs about him that were included on the "White Album" Did something happen to all of us while we were in a coma?

Ok... I've had enough!!!! .... Please guys! ... Retire already!!!

"You’re killing me Larry!!!"